Pena Village

Aldeia da Pena is a village in the parish of Covas do Rio, municipality of São Pedro do Sul, district of Viseu. It is one of the typical shale villages [1]. Located 325 km from Lisbon and 20 km from São Pedro do Sul, it is located in the Serra de São Macário [1], at the bottom of a deep valley so its access by car is somewhat complicated [1] , no […]

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S. Pedro do Sul Baths

The Termas de São Pedro do Sul are located in Várzea, São Pedro do Sul. They are the most popular spas in the country. The thermal spring of S. Pedro do Sul has been explored since the 19th century. I. What remains today of a spa built by the Romans is a National Monument.

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Serra de São Macário Chapel

The Serra de São Macário is an elevation of mainland Portugal, with 1052 meters of maximum altitude (in Alto de São Macário). It is located just over 10 km north of São Pedro do Sul. Make your reservation at the Palace Hotel & Spa Monte Rio, visit our region and discover the beauty of the Serra de São Macário and the […]

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